Tuesday, April 27, 2010

addPerson(sad,happy,day,night); commit;

Raw thoughts on Ugadi day..when i got commited(??)

Relationship Status what it is actully! Many people out there waiting for you to match their wit, acting upon their stimulus,interacting,learning & eventually growing mature with experience.Coupla days back a stir caused in heart~how does one get committed to one person ...for life time.It's like you are giving an end to our growth..almost to a dead state & probably the reason why people quote marriage as disaster.What is the pure sense of being committed...(m craving to get in).. does that mean not getting attracted to anyone...or is it normal to get attracted & then , our act on that attraction shows our level of commitedness...how should one act when they are in relationship . . .

anyway my life partner has answers for all my questions ;)